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Sending orders to vendors have never been easier with our 2 click setup.
Easily setup current vendors with our system, please see our integration to we currently offer vendor integration with and many more on the way. If you don't see your vendor listed, please let us know and we can setup your vendor when you sign up!
Send orders to your supplier without having to email your sales rep or order through your suppliers website.
Hassle free sending of orders to your suppliers with our two click setup, as you can send orders through the order manager screen.
Just supply eStoreware with your account info, we will do all the rest with communicating with your vendor to setup.
We can setup more than one vendor so that if an order is placed with XYZ item, that item can go to XYZ vendor and ABC item can go to the ABC vendor.
Ultimately, easily speed up the operations of your store so you have more time with your customers and less time worrying about shipping items.
We will show you why you should choose eStoreware over the competition.