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Need to add promos to your website? Want to start a marketing plan and track advertisments? Easily set up promo codes with many different rules available to use.
Adding promo codes to your web store is easeir than ever with eStoreware!
Different discount types such as subtotal, total, individual item and more are availble and easy to setup.
YouAllow customers use coupon codes a certain number of times per customer or per code or use unlimited.
AcceAllow the coupons to run a promo such as during Valentines Day, and more. Start one day and end one day without having to check it. Set and go!
Only allow certain customer roles to use the coupon or certain products in the cart to use the coupons.
Having eStorewares built in discounts, store owners have the ability to be nearly limitless with the way coupons are setup and used.
We will show you why you should choose eStoreware over the competition.